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With each Christmas Bag, we include a booklet of John and Romans as that was all that was available to us in the Creole language.  God has now given us an opportunity to obtain Creole New Testaments through Seedline International!

Seedline does not charge to print these Bibles, but there is a cost to ship them into Haiti.  If you would like to send a Bible to Haiti, the suggested donation is $2 per Bible.


The people in the pictures to the right received some of the first shipment of Bibles that were sent, including 800 prisoners and the lady in yellow, who accepted Christ after receiving her new Bible! 

If you would like more information on how you or your church can sponsor a Bible, check out the "about us" page for phone numbers and email addresses.



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​Find us: 

4668 E CR 1000 S

Cloverdale, IN 46120

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